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Wednesday Chill Paddle 13:30

----**NOTE: The river levels have the potential to get a lil *spicy* this time of year so the session may be called off last minute. Keep an eye on the groupchat! **----


The usual Wednesday session! Open to beginners and is simply a really chill couple hours on the River Wear. If you want to get into kayaking or simply have a fun afternoon on the river this is probably the session for you!

Please bring a fleece to wear on the water, spare shoes, plenty of spare clothes and a towel. It is best not to wear jeans on the water since these shrink when wet.

If you unsign please pop a message in the socials chat so others can sign up

Any questions please ask in the socials chat or message Madeline (Training)

See you there!

Friday Pool Session

Our Friday pool sessions are back!

Learn to roll in a nice warm pool! Play polo in a nice warm pool!
£5 for this week's session pool hire and transportation.  

Bring a towel, something you are happy to wear in the boat in the pool (Sports clothes or a swimming costume with shorts/leggings and a sports top work well) as well as a change of clothes for afterwards. 

When you sign up could you please add a comment saying either 'Rolling' or 'Polo’ depending on what you are intending to do at the pool session. If you change your mind and cannot change the comment as the session is full for example, please either message Madeline or on the socials chat.

This week there are 4 spaces for those wanting rolling coaching so please only sign up if there are less than 4 people signed up for rolling. You are welcome to play polo instead- keep checking though incase someone who has signed up for rolling unsigns!

Last chance to learn to roll in a pool this year!!

Important: If you unsign less than 24 hours before the session you will still be charged, unless someone takes your spot.

Put a message in the socials chat if you unsign to give others the opportunity to sign up!

Priority is given to those who have paid for membership but non-members are also welcome for a price of £7.
Meet at the boathouse at 7:15pm for transport to the Pool session.

friendly polo 'tournament'

A friendly 'tournament'/match practice against some other local teams. This is a good chance for anyone going to bucs to get some extra match experience, but everyone is welcome (although you need to be confident in a polo boat - message me or Noah if you're unsure about anything).

Cost will be £4 + petrol money. 

There are currently very limited spaces, so sign up! (hopefully more will open up)

DUCC AGM & After-Party

The DUCC Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Wednesday 19th March in TLC117 from 3pm. All club members are encouraged to attend, even if you don't plan to run for an exec position. The AGM is a fun event and serves an important role of choosing next year's exec.

The following roles are up for election for 25/26: Captain, Vice-Captain, Treasurer, Trip Officer, Kit and Safety Officer, Social Secretary, Training Officer, Welfare Officer, Media Secretary, Canoe Polo Secretary.

More details of the responsibilities of each role are on the club Instagram page. If you wish to run for any of these roles, please submit a 1 page manifesto/poster to '[email protected]'. Your manifesto must contain the names of a proposer and seconder. Previous examples are in the files tab on the website. Please also prepare a 2 minute hust for the AGM. If you are unsuccessful in your election, you will still be able to run for any remaining positions! If you have any questions regarding any of the roles, feel free to reach out to any members of the current Exec, who will be more than happy to give answers.

The AGM After-Party will take place at 7:30pm at Revolution bar (Revs). The cost is £18 which includes a buffet and drinks voucher. Please fill in this form if you'd like to go:

Good luck to everyone running for an exec position, and see you at the after-party!
ig for an exec position, and see you at the after-party!

Scotland 2025

Scotland 2025!! 

An amazing week white water kayaking in Scotland - this trip will occur from the 23rd March - 29th March.

What do you need to know?

Well aren't you glad you asked...

Leave 23rd March (morning) drive up to scotland, paddle river on route! Arrive, settle then get ready for a packed week of daily kayaking, group meals, lots of Smirnoff icing, card games and more! Drive home on the 29th after paddling yet ANOTHER river and arrive home evening of the 29th.

Who is this trip aimed for?

Those who have been actively coming to sessions and actively paddling white water this academic year, it is a week for those to massively improve their kayaking and even get white water rolls if they have been working towards them but also paddle a variety of rivers dependant on weather (river opportunities occur with or without rain). 
Exclude the sugar coating, it can and will be cold (we have a drying room and the club equipment is good but you don't want to be swimming multiple times a day - look at the videos below for ideas of rivers)
Queries on ability? Ask Charlotte (me!)

How much does it cost???? 

Because your trip officer is super eager, organised, and a legend... instead of previous costings of £30 a night (for 6 nights) it's under £20 a night!! Final costing for deposit will be confirmed but it is expected to be £110-£115 for the week!
This is a deposit to confirm your place and is non-refundable due to us booking out rooms (not beds etc). If something occurs it is highly recommended to find another person to replace you.

Aside from the deposit, it's food (daily meals cooked together - not just by me muhahahah) and travel miles etc.

SIGN UP IS WEDNESDAY 19TH  at 20:15!!! After the climbing social, any last minute queries ask people there about Scotland!

Further Information:
Little old write up here:

Videos from the past years (rain dependant)

2022: (very little rain)
2023: (a fair amount of rain)
2024: (first 3 videos, no rain)
2025...... who knows