Taster/Beginner Session

Event details:

Seen people kayaking and wanted to give it a go?

Haven’t felt confident enough or had the ability level to join one of the Sunday chill paddles?

Then come join us for a paddle on Tuesday at 10am on the River Wear! (We will aim to be off the water for around 12).

Meet at the boathouse which is at Maiden Castle by the bridge over to the grass pitches.

This session is suitable for complete beginners so don't worry if you've never paddled before.

Please come in sports clothes you are happy to get wet (no jeans and ideally no cotton), bring a change of clothes for afterwards, a towel and another pair of shoes you don’t mind getting wet for on the water.

Message us on Instagram or facebook with any questions, hope to see you there!

Note: We provide all of the kayaking kit and the session is completely free if you are new to the club.

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